Best House Call Veterinarian in Bellevue, WA
For people in the Bellevue, WA area who’ve never thought to use the best house call veterinarian around, At Home Veterinary Services, it can be a little strange to decide when they’re a good idea compared to a vet clinic. Imagine this scenario:
You get home.
You’ve braved the 520 or I-90 during a rush hour commute from the city (oh and it turns out that ‘braved’ is the right word, did you know that those floating bridges have been ruled structurally deficient as of last year?).
Dinner would be ready, but you forgot to turn on the crock pot this morning. Do you think that lasagna from last Thursday is still good? Annie needs help with her homework and you’re already regretting that she’s in the advanced math class. Curtain call for George’s very first play is at 7pm.
Oh, and Spot is still not drinking water after two days.
You have two options for how this could go.
The first has you rushing out the door with a lethargic and rather heavy golden retriever (the name Spot was a bit of a joke) in tow. Spot, of course, panics at the thought of getting in the car. He’s quite prone to motion sickness after roughly 90 seconds of driving, and he knows that the sterile vet’s office is waiting for him when he arrives. Annie is panicking that she’s going to fail Pre-Calculus, George will probably give you an earful later for missing his debut and you just realized that you haven’t eaten dinner still.
Now, the second option has you picking up the phone and scheduling an appointment with the best house call veterinarian in Bellevue. Then, someone like Dr. Knasiak (a.k.a. Dr. K) from At Home Veterinary services arrives right on your doorstep to help you with Spot while you keep the rest of your life, family and house running smoothly. Pizza delivery gets ordered, Annie learned the definition of a tangent line (thus setting her up to be the next Katherine Johnson) and you make it to George’s Midsummer Night’s Dream just in time. The best part? Spot’s got the medication he needs and is on the mend.
If you’ve been convinced to give these convenient services a try in the Bellevue, WA area, consider reaching out to the best house call veterinarian around town, At Home Veterinary Services.
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